About Me
I’m a mum and a grandma, living in the leafy outer suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.
Having lived on a farm, attended a small country school and an even smaller Sunday school as a child, I found myself growing in a love for God and his world - in particular the Australian bush and its creatures.
I also grew to value the Bible as God’s way of speaking to me and teaching me about himself and his purposes for his world, and me as his precious child.
During my life I have had many opportunities to share these loves with children, including my own family. And now I have the opportunity to share with you.
My prayer is that as you read and use these “Bible snack packs” you will delight in, and develop a love for, our amazing world. I also pray that you and your family will be encouraged to read the Bible, to know God better, to trust and obey him, and talk with him each day in prayer.
Happy snacking
Margaret Penford
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 Good News Bible