Seaside snack packs

Kids Bible devotions and activities with a seaside theme!
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Our plans, God's Plans - Is this a good place to camp?
How many stars in the ocean? - Stars in the sky, stars in the sea.
Lazy or What? - Fat smelly seals laying around.
Solid as a rock - Can the crabs escape from Sean’s net?
It's Chilly - How do penguins stay toasty warm?
Dont Touch - Should you touch that jelly fish?
Share what you have - Why don’t seagulls share?
That's gross - Would you eat a snot sea cucumber?
What a pretty skirt - What lives in water and wears a skirt?
So calm - or are they? - Are swans really how they look?
That's a nice house! - What kind of house does a hermit crab have?
Underwater Gardens - Sponges clean up the sea. Who cleans up me?
Two are better than one! - Yes, two are stronger than one.
They're not nice! - Warning – don’t become a spiky sea urchin.
Cephalo What? - Who is the quick change artist of the sea?
Chiton Who? - Can anyone get through this armour?
Long way from home - Why are these birds so far from home?
Tides! - What stops the tide?
The best defence - Would mum do this for me?
Safety sheild - Who needs a shield?
I'm tough - Are you as tough as you look?
Royalty - Royal birds, royal ladies and the king.
Keep away! - Why won’t Kaylee touch that fish?
Changing your skin - What changes colour in an instant?
Stuck fast - Barnacles have a rough ride.
A strong anchor - It’s not a ship, but it’s got an anchor.
Nudibranches - trees without leaves? - Why are they allowed to steal?
And it was good - Did God make pelicans?
Gone fishing - How many fish can you catch?
Look at me - The cormorants and the king.
Water for life - What’s a sea squirt’s clever trick?
Helping each other - What are the sea anemones up to?
Thats strong - What’s stronger than steel, stronger than a storm?
Hidden treasure - What are those eyes hiding in the sand?.
Scared of the dark - Is Kaylee really afraid of the dark?
Food for life - How do mangroves breathe in all that mud?
Tracks in the sand - Are these shells just going round in circles?
Smart crabs, wise people - Grandpa got bitten by a crab.
What's at the door? - Keep the door shut.

Around the campfire - A campfire, marshmallows, good stories, a great holiday.
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