Outback snack packs

Kids Bible devotions and activities with an outback theme!
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The right way - Don’t get lost.
Run, run - Frilled neck lizard on the run.
The eagle eye - How far can an eagle see?
Are we there yet? - What can you spot?
Small is important - How many ants make a lunch?
Where’s Joey hiding? - Out of sight and safe.
This won’t last forever - What will last forever?
But I’ll die of thirst - Frogs and God and water wells.
Did an emu do that? - Do emus help the garden grow?
That’s hot! - How hot is the sun?
The rock and the rule - What’s the golden rule?
Go and tell - It’s good news.
You can’t know everything - What’s a marsupial mole?
Can you count the stars? - No you can’t.
Speaking with forked tongue? - Have you seen that goanna’s tongue?
I don’t like this - Rock wallabies do it tough.
What does it mean? - Drawings on a rock, words on a page.
That’s a lot of work - How much water can a camel drink?
Living with danger - Which one is the princess?
Warning! - Don’t get run down by a road train
What’s in a name? - Names mean a lot.
Plenty of tucker - Getting a good feed.
Signs in the sand - Whose footprints are those?
Storing away - What bottle is really a tree?
Fire, fire! - Why isn’t that bush burning up?
Change - Bearded dragons change with the weather.
A cup of cold water - When cold is kind.
That’s freedom - Budgerigars living wild and free.
That’s important - Write it down.
Someone sees everything - Who’s watching you?
Blowing in the wind - Can you see this, can you hear this?
Big and loud and - Just a big bully.
How old did you say? - What’s really old and wears a grass skirt?
They don’t belong - What doesn’t belong in the desert?
Together we win - How to knock down a whole city.
Unique – one of a kind - Can a kangaroo hop backwards?
A new name - It’s all very confusing.
Tyre down, axe up - How’s a flat tyre like an axe?
Coming to life. - What brings seeds to life?
What’s hiding there? - Can you find the hopping mouse?