Farm snack packs

Kids Bible devotions and activities with a farm theme!
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Holidays at last - Heading for the farm
How good is milk? - What’s better than milk?
Who’s on guard? - Is that an alpaca in with the sheep?
The old House - Would you want to live here?
Learning to grow - Will this calf ever learn?
Bigger is better? - Be happy with what you have or . . .
Looking after the sheep - Are we looked after this well?
What a special gift - How can a gift make a gift?
You’ve got mail - Is it good news?
Finding lost treasure - What did they find in the shed?
Being different - More than just teasing
I just need a little help - A three legged dog
It’s amazing! - Amazing chicks, amazing world, amazing God
Taking care - Just look at the difference it makes
Ouch, that hurts - Don’t let the electric fence get you
On the road - Who will help his neighbour?
To market, to market - What made Jesus angry?
Useless cows - We don’t want a God like that
When someone dies - How do we feel?
Making a catch - Listen to the expert
What shall we name them? - Everybody has a special name
It takes two - Working together gets the job done
Bad stuff in us all - Dealing with worms, dealing with sin
Listen and learn - Lessons on riding a quad bike
Those hungry pigs - Do those pigs really eat that?
Where do you get it? - Where does that water come from?
Nothing to boast about - There are goats up that tree
Because he loves me - Who gives us the best?
Yummy and good - Growing the best fruit of all
Mending fences - Keeping the cows in
Who’s in control? - How do you control a stubborn horse?
Leaving some, sharing some - How can we share it around?
Dabblers or divers - Do you eat with your bottom in the air?
Taking a dip - What if you don’t like swimming?
A job well done - It must have been hard work on the ark
Who will we trust? - Would you trust a horse to save you?
Improving the flavour - Being like salt, being like God
Trouble in the dark - We need all our senses
Don’t come any closer - What’s that crazy bird up to?
Right way home - Choosing the best way