Jungle snack packs

Kids Bible devotions and activities with a jungle theme!
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Different friends - Where did you say you live?
Good pig, bad pig - Does it matter what we eat?
Nothing is going right! - One of those really bad days!
Lazy as . . . - What is the laziest creature in the world?
Leaving home. - Would you like to live away from your family?
Tiny but valuable - How valuable are you?
What’s this place? - Is God here?
Watch out! - Have you ever been bitten by a vampire?
A place to stay - What if you had to build your own house?
Smarter than your average bear - These bears are really smart
Hidden or not? - Where does a Capybara hide? A what?
Who is a missionary? - Are you?
What’s that smell? - Stinkhorn fungi smell disgusting!
A warm woolly coat. - Why does this tapir need such a warm coat?
Is this home? - Where is the best place to live?
Singing praise - What kind of music does God like?
So they’ll know about Jesus - Can you speak my language?
Who is the most important? - Who rules everything?
When the water stopped - How can you stop a river flowing?
What will I be? - What do you want to be when you grow up?
Serving special guests - Would you eat a guinea pig?
Who’s telling the truth? - Can I be eaten by an anaconda?
I forgive you. - How hard would that be?
Warning, beware, it might get you! - I hope you’re listening!
Can that really float? - Who can do anything?
Without it, we’ll die! - What poisons us?
Doing it well - Who takes the best care?
Mountain of fire - Who or what has the most power?
Being a show-off - Who should we be like?
Visiting the king - What would you give a king?
This is easy - Two is easier than one!
Getting there. - It’s worth the effort!
Those strong hands - Whose hands made the world?
Jungle backpackers - Who carries you?
Thankyou very much - Do we remember to say thankyou?
Catching a ride - Just another clever creation!
Purge it out. - Then we are really clean!
Don’t throw it away - Who will never throw us away?
Is it worth all the work? - Yes, it is!
Show and tell - Spread the good news!
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